Business Immo, the real estate website

Kayoko Hirao

Last update January 20, 2021 | Report an error


Japan : Volumes down while market remains buoyant - Q3 2014

Total commercial real estate investment transactions (excluding residential and hotel properties) decreased further by 22% to JPY547 billion in Q3 2014, from JPY699 billion (...)


Japan : Falling vacancy pushes up rent - Q2 2014

The Japanese economy faced a turning point on 1 April 2014, as the government lifted the consumption tax rate for the first time in (...)


Japan : Market calms after buoyant Q1- Q2 2014

Total commercial real estate investment transactions (excluding residential and hotel properties) decreased by 48% to JPY699 billion in Q2 2014 from JPY1,333 billion in (...)


Japan : Slow and steady rent increase identified - Q1 2014

The Japanese economy in 2014 continued to grow, albeit at a modest pace. Both the monetary and fiscal policies of ‘Abenomics’ have shown steady (...)


Japan : Less supply leads to falling vacancy in 2013 - Q4 2013

The Japanese economy improved significantly over the year in 2013. The change of government and the monetary policy introduced by the Bank of Japan (...)


Japan : strong Q2 indicates a real recovery of the market - Q2 2013

Total commercial real estate investment transactions increased further in Q2 2013, expanding by 7% quarter on quarter to JPY976bn, up from JPY916bn in Q1 (...)